Friday, 31 May 2013


I read with surprise the article authored by one JJ Idachaba titled MY LAST CRY FOR OPALUWA OGWUCHE.
I am ordinarily supposed to ignore him but it is important I teach him what he seems not to know about our customs and traditions that he professes to know so much.
In that article, the author raised several issues for determination and the crux of all the issues was which family will produce the next Atta.
What the author is asking for can be equivalent of asking for the moon. He is by implication asking that we name an Atta in waiting.
For avoidance of doubt, it is forbidden for two Attas to exist side by side, in fact, it is unheard of! That was the singular reason that aborted the planned erection of Ame Oboni’s statue in Idah several years back while Ali Obaje was alive and kicking.  Issues about succession of Atta are never visited until the death of Atta. That is why tradition requires if Atta dies; a long period of about three months must elapse before a new Atta can emerge.
Therefore, the issues raised in the article in view cannot be attended to until the office of Atta becomes vacant.
Let us be patient, time will answer us all.
Emmanuel Musa

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